(De)constructing time

We talk with 5 professionals in various fields – catering, virtual reality, architecture, sound creation and photography – to make a joint reflection about time: the intangible, the most precious and raw material for work.

To catch time, to make something memorable out of it, to get time memories back… Catering, architecture and audiovisual creation work on a daily basis with these subjects to give meaning to their work. We took advantage of the Conexión by Finsa event: Spaces connected by wood to start a dialogue among five professionals about this subject: the restaurateur José Santiso, the virtual reality designer Antonio V.  García-Serrano, the artistic photographer Fuco Reyes, the sound researcher and improviser LAR Legido and the architects Fermín González Blanco and Luis Gil.


To catch the movement

“We don’t aim to catch a landscape or a person, we aim to also capture the movement: to see the place and the action” explains Antonio V. García-Serrano, virtual reality creator. “We want something more, we want to connect all our senses and this is something we are offered by the VR goggles thanks to the immersion experience”, specifies the creator who participated to refreshing projects of the audiovisual scene such as the TV series “El Ministerio del Tempo”.

Of the present movement to the future, the artistic photographer Fuco Reyes prefers to stand still in what he understands of the visual phenomenon: “the record that something happened”.  Reyes connect the dendrochronology – the study of the trees longevity through the count of the rings of the log – with the search of the family album, sacred object and currently in abeyance due to the brevity of the images in the Internet and social networks age. “To analyze our chronology, the chronology of the elements around us, such as the trees, help us understand our present and our future”, he claims.

Conexion by Finsa Santiago

Time craftsman

Undo, do and redo. UnDo ReDo keeps the essence of what goes beyond eternity.  Luis Gil, founder of the project, explains that “time is the substance we address the architects with”. He digs deeply saying that the knowledge of construction and catering techniques of other times “help get them to the present time and make them evergreen”. “This time craftwork” he concludes, “allows you to discover pieces that remained forgotten or spaces that, once you invest some work in it, provide you a different picture.

Another craftsman, the architect Fermín Blanco, enhances the empowerment in the leisure time of the youngest through the Lupo system. “We give the opportunity to new creations to arise, to our building blocks to be printed with 3D printers or to be molded with adobe (mudbrick)”. Precisely, he specifies that by using materials such as adobe, “there is the occasion for a generational exchange thanks to workshops, so that people of different ages connect by playing and learning from each other”.

Conexion by Finsa LAR Legido

Time as experience

The respect of nature moments and nature as moment generator. José Santiso, restaurateur of O Fogar de Santiso, and LAR Legido, sound investigator, share the philosophy from different sectors. While Santiso starts from circular economy and the raw material as the beginning of everything of the gastronomical project 360º, LAR Legido looks for connections of his childhood with wood, looking for sounds in textures and designs.

“Gastronomy is part of our culture since the beginning of time” specifies Santiso, and he clarifies that it has been 21 years that they “put into practice a way of work sustainable and suitable for the planet” from their catering project. LAR Legido also starts from the root of the beginning, “you meet the work in an exact space-time moment, where you see, build, touch and listen. My obsession is to make these moments sound”, he summarizes.

What does time mean to you in your professional career? We love these open debates that arose during the Conexion by Finsa events. We’ll pick up the following one after the next 26th October meeting in Valencia, where local professionals in different fields will discuss issues related to creativity and design to the table.

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