Timber cities: from Copenhagen to Lugo

The future of green, sustainable cities lies in the hands of one very ‘traditional’ material: timber. A multi ecological neighbourhood in Lugo, Spain, will be home to the first building entirely made of locally sourced timber.  In Copenhagen, Denmark, there are plans to build the first neighbourhood to be constructed entirely out of timber.  Read on to find out more about these two unique projects.


Timber and sustainability

The first all-timber suburb of Copenhagen, known as the Fælledby project, and the Impulso Verde (‘Green Boost’) building in Lugo, are separated by thousands of kilometres, but their common goal – sustainability – has seen timber be chosen for both projects. It’s the only material that captures and stores CO2 during production (i.e., while the trees grow), thus reducing the impact of carbon emissions.


Impulso Verde

Lugo City Council is fostering sustainable urbanism with a new multi ecological area as part of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project.  You can read more about it in this article by Madera y ConstrucciónImpulso Verde is a nearly-zero energy building made from Galician materials.



Architectural firm Henning Larsen is behind Fælledby, a space that brings nature and the city together.  Forty percent of the area will be vacant land, providing space for the local flora and fauna to flourish.  This neighbourhood is perfect for younger people looking for a way to be at one with nature.

These two projects are championing more sustainable and environmentally friendly construction, and timber is at the heart of both.  It’s clear that green cities are really starting to gain ground all over Europe.


Do you know of any other examples of sustainable neighbourhoods?  Tell us about it on social media using #ConnectionsByFinsa.