Five artificial intelligence-related challenges in architecture and interior design

Artificial intelligence is turning into a disruptive tool in select sectors.  But what are the challenges it currently faces in architecture and interior design?  Here are five questions that remain unanswered:


  • Do we know how to ask for exactly what we need? It might seem simple, but asking for a draft, a text, or a calculation in writing or using images, in exactly the way we imagined it, requires practice and mutual learning (i.e., between the machine and the person).  Knowing how to make these requests, which is known as prompt engineering, will end up being its own profession.


  • Creativity on demand in just a few seconds. How important will creativity actually be now that we can make any idea a reality?  Artificial serendipity can provide better results or, at the very least, act as a first draft.


  • Will artificial intelligence surpass human knowledge? And will it defy the limitations of science and end up building better buildings?  How will we have to rethink the professions of the architecture and interior design world?  Right now we still need human criteria for support, but take a look at what’s already been achieved by using artificial intelligence alongside BIM and parametric design:


  • Copyright: Artificial intelligence is fed by existing works and, until now, everything that has been created has a free license.  Will there come a time when blockchain technology will be used to mark these works as the property of their platforms?  Who should the authorship belong to – the human or the machine?


  • Ethical dilemmas: Closely related to the previous point is that AI can be fed by copying the work of others. In fact, it’s powered by a database of copyrighted images. So is this intellectual property theft or is it more a case of highly refined inspiration, in the same way that someone might be inspired by the style of a painting they see?


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