Apply mindfulness to your spaces

Do you practice mindfulness?  Or are you somebody who has never tried meditation or paying complete attention to your current state?

Whether you are from one party or the other, today we are bringing you a few nuggets of wisdom so that you can slowly open your mind to conscious interior design.


  1. Meditation spaces: firstly, we’ve chosen some examples to get you thinking about a designated spot to facilitate this introspection.
  2. Mindfulness architecture: going a step further, let’s think about our daily environment from a mindfulness perspective. Of course, an idyllic spot like this Arturo Montanelli design makes this significantly easier, right?
  3. Six ideas to introduce the concept to interior architecture: we continue looking at different rooms to get used to the materials, textures, and colours that lead this trend.
  4. The Hjärtelig Collection from IKEA: a necessary pause articulated through furniture which decorates spaces.
  5. Mindfulhome: following on from the previous steps, in this fifth stage we can throw ourselves into a design from scratch with mindfulness incorporated thanks to the ideas presented here.

This Friday we will post an article with more examples and ideas about applying this philosophy to a physical space.

Can you tell us your thoughts about these ideas in the comments?