The Sustainable Development Goals after covid-19

With the fifth anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals, and as a result of the pandemic, the United Nations has launched their Urgent solutions for urgent times, a set of tools to help us face some of our biggest problems following the coronavirus outbreak.


The climate and our planet

Lockdowns have shown us that the state of our environment can change and that air and water quality can be improved. For the first time in thirty years, the Himalayas could be seen from India and the waters of the Venetian canals ran clear.

In this report in response to covid-19, PNUMA, the United Nations’ main environmental authority, claims that if we had made more progress with the Sustainable Development Goals before the pandemic, the world would have been in a better position to face the current health crisis.


Poverty and inequality

Ten percent of the world’s population lives in extremely difficult conditions.  The levels of inequality are increasing due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The United Nations is counting on fair distribution of public funds.  The organisation has explained that the majority of this money must be set aside for health and social protection, areas which have been seriously affected by the pandemic.


Justice and Human Rights

The crisis brought on by the coronavirus has had an enormous impact on society, which is becoming more divided, resulting in the worsening of social tensions and conflicts.

The fight for Human Rights continues and the United Nations has highlighted this as one of the key issues that we must not forget about once the pandemic is over.


Gender Equality

Women have traditionally been the carers in the family and usually spend more time carrying out domestic tasks.  They also make up the majority of the healthcare and social assistance workforce, meaning they are more exposed to the coronavirus.

The United Nations’ Global Solutions outlines the need to have more women in positions of power and to establish quotas to ensure that women are equally represented.