3 Artificial Intelligence apps for interior design

Artificial intelligence already offers us a multitude of tools and applications for architecture and interior design. In this post, we detailed a case study in which traditional programs were combined with generative options. We continue to explore the universe of AI-based programs to highlight three types of apps that will undoubtedly make your design work much more efficient:


Instant interior design ideas

Room GPT | Take a photo of a room, select the space you’re interested in, and within seconds, you’ll receive different design proposals. Not bad for breaking free from a blank page.


Floor plans with your mobile phone photos

Magicplan | Its creator, a construction industry professional, was tired of wasting time on errors, so he worked on designing this platform to create precise floor plans. How? Simply by taking photos of the space with a mobile phone.


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Interactive walkthroughs and hyperrealistic 3D renders

Viupik | Leveraging the high-efficiency rendering of video games as a foundation, it creates interactive walkthroughs or hyperrealistic 3D furniture, allowing you to place them in a specific environment.


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If you found this selection interesting, don’t miss Finsa’s environment simulation tools and floor calculations. Discover them here.