The best way to make sure people living in cities don't suffer from 'Heidi syndrome', the condition caused by a lack of nature, is to incorporate nature into our cities.
Are you experiencing stress? Anxiety? Difficulty concentrating? Maybe you're suffering from "Heidi Syndrome", a condition related to the deficit of nature in our lives.
Is our home the most important space in our lives? Swedish furniture and decoration multinational IKEA has been publishing their Life at home report for five years.
The days our "use and throw away" culture are numbered thanks to the fixer movement. This collaborative culture is helping to repair objects of all kinds that would otherwise end up becoming a problem for the environment
"Repair" is the fourth 'R' of environmentalism and sustainability after reduce, reuse, and recycle. We've collected four ideas that came out of the fixer movement, which is something we will discuss in more detail in our next post.